Wilson Award

 The Wilson Award was instituted in 1982 in memory of long time Society member Melvin S. Wilson, W2BOC. It is given for outstanding and continuing service to the Society or to VHF/UHF in general. Nominations may be sent to Kent Britain, WA5VJB.


1982 Bill Tynan, W3XO, for his continuous service and dedication towards promoting VHF and UHF amateur radio activity.

 1983 Ed Fitch, W0OHU, for 16 years of devoted service to the Society.

 1984 Ray Nichols, W5HFV, for his many years of service to the Society as its historian.

 1985 Al Ward, WB5LUA, for his many years as Prize Chairman and his numerous fine technical talks at various CSVHF conferences.

 1986 Mark Thorson, WB0TEM, for his continued and valuable service to the Society, particularly in maintaining the VHF antenna range.

 1987 Jimmy Treybig, W6JKV, for his many DXpeditions to sometimes difficult spots to give us all new countries on 6 meters.

 1988 Lionel Edwards, VE7BQH, for his many hours spent conducting the 2-Meter EME Net on 20 meters. In so doing, he has helped many new EMEers get started and many old-time moonbouncers increase their stations worked totals.

 1989 Joe Muscanere, WA5HNK, for his many years of service to the Society, including serving as its Treasurer for ten years from 1979 to 1989.

 1990 No award presented.

 1991 Kent Britain, WA5VJB, for his numerous contributions to the Society, especially in maintaining the microwave antenna range.

 1992 Bob Taylor, WB5LBT, for his many years of service to the Society as a member of the Board of Directors, as President for 1982, and Treasurer for 1990-91 and as Chairman of the 1982 Conference.

 1993 Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, for his many years of service to the Society, twice serving as President, and as editor of the director's newsletter.

 1994 Gerald Handley, WA5DBY, for his dedicated and continuing service as Chairman of the Society's Board of Directors.

 1995 Charlie Chennault, WA5YOU, for his continuing service to the Society as Treasurer, and his efforts to ensure compliance with government regulations.

 1996 Bill Olson, W3HQT, the founder of Down East Microwave, for making quality equipment and parts readily available to all.

 1997 Dave Meier, N4MW, for his many years of service to the Society, serving as President for 1994 and many years as Assistant Treasurer.

 1998 Larry Hazelwood, W5NZS, for his many years of service to the Society as Secretary.

 1999 Gary Gerber, KB0HH, for his many years of working on the prize committee.

 2000 Picture Steve Kostro, N2CEI, For his work in helping so many hams come on the air with low-cost equipment.

2001 Picture Joel Harrison, W5ZN, Past CSVHFS President, active VHF/UHF/Microwave operator, ARRL VP, and for his support of our VHF bands.

2002  Bruce Richardson, W9FZ, for energy and effort to the Society as Treasurer, Board Member, Conference Host, and Newsletter Editor.

2003 Sam Whitley, K5SW, for years of service to the society. Sam has been President, Vice-President, and Treasurer many times in the early years of the society. The CSVHFS would not be where it is today if not for his efforts. This presentation marks the first time the award was presented via RF (cellphone) due to Sam's departure from the banquet just minutes earlier.

2004 Picture Emil Pocock W3EP for his work supporting the VHF Community with his many QST Columns 1992-2002.

2005 Picture Emily Ward, for sustained service to the society supporting and sponsoring conference family programs.

2006 John Fox, W0LER, for his sustained service to the society over a forty year span. John played key roles at the time of the society's birth. Later, during the 1970s, John served as President, Treasurer, and conference host. Today, John again serves on the conference host team as a mentor and Family Program specialist.

2007 Tommy Henderson, WD5AGO, for his work organizing CSVHFS Conferences and conducting the Noise Figure Measurments.

2008 William Caldwell, N0LNO, for his many contributions to CSVHFS. His service has been in many capacities and over many years. He has served as Vice President, Acting President, and Chairman of the Board of Directors. One notable year, Bill stepped up and hosted the conference at the last minute when the President was called away to go fishing for Aluminum in the South Pacific.

2009 Presented to John Kalenowsky K9JK. John is commended for his service to the Society serving as conference Vice President. Further, John's ongoing organizing and administering of the VHF Spring Sprints events.

2010 Presented to John Germanous, WB9PNU, for all his work.

2011 Presented to Joe Lynch, N6CL, for his years of service to the VHF community through his editorship of The CQ VHF column and CQ-VHF

2012 Presented to Jay Liebmann, K5JL, for his continuous service and dedication to promoting VHF and UHF Amateur Radio activity.

2013 Presented to Maty Weinberg, KB1EIB, for years of service to the Society through her work on the Conference Proceedings published by ARRL.

2014 Presented to Marshall Williams, K5QE, for his leadership of the  "Getting Started in VHF, UHF and Beyond" committee and other service to the society.

2015 Presented to Lauren Libby, W0LD, for outstanding service to the Society over many years.

2016 Presented to Lance Collister, W7GJ, for his significant 6m "grid expeditions" and EME work.

2017 Presented to Doug Sharp, K2AD, for his continuous service and dedication towards promoting VHF & UHF amateur radio activity.

2018 Presented to Donn Baker, WA2VOI, for his continuous service and dedication towards promoting VHF & UHF amateur radio activity.

2019 Presented to Charlie Calhoun, W0RRY, for his years of dedication to the Central States VHF Society.

2020 & 2021 No conference due to COVID, No award presented.

2022 Presented to Peter Van Horne, KA6U, for his activation of a multitude of states helping many fulfill their goal of achieving WAS on 222, 432, or 1296 MHz.

2023 Presented to Charlie Calhoun Jr., K5TTT, for years of service to Central States VHF Society as a Board Member and Chair of our IT Committee.

2024 Presented to , , for .